Pleshak P. On prosodic prominence of heads: Nuclear stress placement in Hill Mari // Workshop on Empirical and Theoretical Approaches to Intonation in Endangered and Lesser Studied Languages (School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics, SOAS, University of London, 16 December 2021).
Davidyuk T. Маркеры причинных отношений в финно-угорских языках [Causal markers in the Finno-Ugric languages] // Symposium "Sentence as a unit of language and speech" (Novosibirsk, 8-11 October 2019). [In Russian]
Davidyuk T. Именные причинные показатели в финно-угорских языках[Nominal causal markers in Finno-Ugric] // Causal Constructions in the World’s Languages: synchrony, diachrony, typology (St. Petersburg, ILS RAS, 28–30 January 2021). [In Russian]
Davidyuk T.,Kozlov L.Латив в горномарийском языке [Lative in Hill Mari] // XIII Conference on typology and grammar for young scholars (Saint-Petersburg, 24-26 November 2016). [In Russian]
Davidyuk T., Studenikina K. Конструкции с причинным значением в горномарийском языке[Constructions with causal semantics in Hill Mari] // XV Conference on typology and grammar for young scholars (St. Petersburg, 22–24 November 2018). [In Russian]
Khomchenkova I.Соединение ИГ в горномарийском языке [NP conjunction in Hill Mari] // Typology of morphosyntactic parameters (Moscow, 22-24 November 2018). [In Russian]
Khomchenkova I. Каритивный показатель -de в горномарийском языке [Caritive marker -de in Hill Mari] // XV Conference on typology and grammar for young scholars (St. Petersburg, 22–24 November 2018). [In Russian]
Khomchenkova I. К типологии комитатива: «холистические» комитативные показатели [Towards a typology of comitative: «holistic» comitative markers] // XIX Conference on typology and grammar for young scholars (St. Petersburg, ILS RAS, 24–26 November 2022). [In Russian]
Petelin D. Темпоральные выражения в горномарийском языке [Temporal expressions in Hill Mari] // XV Conference on typology and grammar for young scholars (St. Petersburg, 22–24 November 2018). [In Russian]
Petelin D. Система темпоральных выражений в горномарийском языке [System of temporal expressions in Hill Mari] // XVI Conference on typology and grammar for young scholars (St. Petersburg, 21-23 November 2019). [In Russian]
Pleshak P., Davidyuk T.NP and PP structure in Hill Mari // 51st Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (Tallinn, 29 August – 1 September 2018).
Winkler M. E. К типологии собирательных числительных: данные горномарийского и удмуртского языков [Towards the typology of collective numerals: evidence from Hill Mari and Udmurt] // Конференция «Малые языки в большой лингвистике» (Москва, МГУ, 22–23 апреля 2022 г.) [Conference "Minority languages in large linguistics", Moscow, MSU, 22–23 April 2022]. [In Russian]
Winkler M. E.Дистрибутивные количественные конструкции в финно-угорских языках [Distributive numerals and quantified expressions in Finno-Ugric languages] // Conference in honour of the 90th anniversary of Ariadna Ivanovna Kuznecova (The Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (Faculty of Philology, Lomonosov Moscow State University) and the Institute of Linguistics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 30 September — 1 October, 2022). [In Russian]
Gareyshina A. Western Mari conditionals obscured (in the Kuznetsovo local dialect) // Conference for the 85th anniversary of A. I. Kuznecova (MSU, 3-4 March 2017). [Presentation available upon request]
Gareyshina A. Western Mari conditionals and TAM clusters // Conference on the syntax of Uralic languages (SOUL 2017, Budapest, 27-28 June 2017). [Presentation available upon request]
Kashkin E.Грамматикализация горномарийских глаголов позиции [Grammaticalization of Hill Mari posture verbs] // International symposium "Language contacts of the Volga and the Ural regions peoples" (Cheboksary, 21–24 May 2018). [In Russian]
Kashkin E. Грамматикализация глагола näläš ‘брать’ в горномарийском языке [Grammaticalization of the verb näläš ‘take’ in Hill Mari] // Conference «Languages of Siberia and neighbouring regions: Universal and specific in the verbal traditions of peoples of modern Russia» (Novosibirsk, 14–17 October 2020). [In Russian]
Mordashova D. Стратегии выражения желания в горномарийском языке [Strategies of expressing volition in Hill Mari] // Conference «Minority languages in large linguistics» (Moscow, MSU, 23–24 April 2021). [In Russian]
Sibireva A.Каузатив с показателем -tar- в горномарийском языке [Causative with the affix -tar- in Hill Mari] // The first conference on Uralic, Altaic and Paleo-Asiatic languages. In the memory of A. P. Volodin (Saint-Petersburg, 6–8 December 2018). [In Russian]
Danilova A., Kashkin E. Конвербы с нулевым показателем в горномарийском языке [Converbs with the zero affix in Hill Mari] // XVI Conference on typology and grammar for young scholars (St. Petersburg, 21-23 November 2019). [In Russian]
Demina Yu. Attractio inversa в горномарийском языке [Attractio inversa in Hill Mari] // XVI Conference on typology and grammar for young scholars (St. Petersburg, 21-23 November 2019). [In Russian]
Dyachkov V., Khomchenkova I.Синтаксис идеофонов в горномарийском языке[The syntax of ideophones in Hill Mari] // School-conference on Uralic studies (IL RAS, 2-6 July 2018 г.). [In Russian]
Gareyshina A. Western Mari correlatives: between two types of A'-phenomena. // CONSOLE XXV, Leipzig, 4–6 January 2017. [Presentation available upon request]
Gareyshina A. Western Mari conditionals and their camera obscura // 50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (Zurich, 10–13 September 2017). [Poster available upon request]
Sinitsyna J., Khomchenkova I. Структура компаративных и эксцептивных конструкций в горномарийском языке [Structure of comparative and exceptive constructions in Hill Mari] // Conference in memoriam of V. A. Zvegintsev and towards the 60th anniversary of the Department of theoretical and applied linguistics (Moscow, MSU, 30–31 October 2020). [In Russian]
Sinitsyna J., Khomchenkova I. Компаративные и эксцептивные конструкции в финно-угорских языках [Comparative and exceptive constructions in the Finno-Ugric languages] // Grammar, field linguistics, cognitive approach to language. Conference for young scholars in memoriam of Alexandr E. Kibrik (Moscow, IL RAS, 29 October 2022). [In Russian]
Kashkin E., Sidorova M., Mordashova D., Gareyshina A., Uchitel I.Всё =ok: о семантике одной горномарийской энклитики [Everything is =ok: on the semantics of one Hill Mari enclitic] // Conference "Minority languages in large linguistics" (Moscow, MSU, 2-3 November 2017) [in Russian]
Ivanov V. Проект базы данных детской лексики [Project of a child lexicon database] // Conference "Issues in computational linguistics and typology" (Voronezh, 29-30 September 2017). [In Russian; handout available upon request]
Ivanov V. Общие особенности подражательных слов в финно-угорских и тюркских языках Поволжья [General peculiarities of onomatopoetic words in the Finno-Ugric and Turkic languages of the Volga region] // International symposium "Language contacts of the Volga and the Ural regions peoples" (Cheboksary, 21–24 May 2018). [In Russian; slides available upon request]
Ivanov V. Идеофоны в языках поволжского союза [Ideophones in Volga-Kama languages] // Workshop on Volga-Kama languages (Moscow, 16–18 November 2018). [In Russian; slides available upon request]
Kashkin E.Глаголы перемещения веществ в некоторых финно-угорских языках [Verbs describing motion of substances in some Finno-Ugric languages] // Workshop on verbs of falling in the world's languages (Saint-Petersburg, 26 November 2017). [In Russian]
Strygina M.Лексемы со значением скорости в горномарийском языке [Lexemes referring to speed in Hill Mari] // The first conference on Uralic, Altaic and Paleo-Asiatic languages. In the memory of A. P. Volodin (Saint-Petersburg, 6–8 December 2018). [In Russian]
Studenikina K. Глаголы стука и удара в горномарийском языке [Verbs referring to knocks and strokes in Hill Mari] // Conference "Issues in computational linguistics and typology" (Voronezh, 29-30 September 2017). [In Russian]
Zhornik D., Khomchenkova I.Предикаты боли в горномарийском языке: семантика и морфосинтаксис [Pain predicates in Hill Mari: semantics and morphosyntax] // V Conference-school "Problems of language: view of young scholars" (Moscow, IL RAS, 16-17 February 2017). [In Russian]
Dyachkov V. Горномарийское переключение кодов: структурный и социолингвистический аспект [Code-switching in Hill Mari: structural and sociolinguistic aspect] // Conference "Indigenous languages in contact with Russian: morphosyntactic and semantic interference" (IRL RAS, Moscow, 30 November - 1 December 2018). [In Russian]
Khomchenkova I. Русские числительные в горномарийской речи: заимствование или переключение кодов? [Russian numerals in Hill Mari speech: borrowing or code-switching?] // Conference "Indigenous languages in contact with Russian: morphosyntactic and semantic interference" (IRL RAS, Moscow, 30 November - 1 December 2018). [In Russian]
Winkler M. E.«Чисто по-нашему»: заимствование и реанализ в семантическом поле ЧИСТЫЙ [Borrowing and reanalysis in semantic field CLEAN] // Сonference «Indigenous languages of Russia in contact with Russian» (Moscow, Vinogradov Russian Language Institute RAS, 15–16 Sepember 2023). [In Russian]
Zakirova A.Как горномарийский язык заимствует русские глаголы [How Russian verbs are borrowed into Hill Mari] // Conference "Indigenous languages in contact with Russian: morphosyntactic and semantic interference" (IRL RAS, Moscow, 30 November - 1 December 2018). [In Russian]